actually x taw ape nak tulis..tapi nak tulis..
ouh..susah betul lah kalau buat sesuatu tanpa tujuan..
hey,alyaa!come on laa..!
*don't know why..i am just confuse about myself*
recently,don't know why..may be kinda tired,busy,sick etc..bla..bla..bla...~
yeah,this week seems to be a lil bit busy
lots of things should be settled down..aiyyoo..!
letih laa..
with some incidents yang cam ape ntah..!grrr..!~
*sabar alyaa sabar*~~~~
plus ngan kaki saket..but,alhamdulillah,praise to Him..
sudah sembuh sedikit..thankz for those who were concerned..~
thankz pade ahli beet yang anta g klinik taisir..shukran a lot..
jazakumullahu khairan kathiran :)
okay,maw tido..~
sebab semua orang sudah tido..~ :]
p/s : zxcvbnmlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq..~ (kusut,kan?)
that's what i feel right now..
ya Allah,bantulah hambaMu ini..~ -________ -
come on alyaa!